Satellite Tracker 3D
Click the canvas to continue!

Select: Left click or touch.

Rotate: Hold left click or drag

Zoom: Scroll or pinch.


Click or search a satellite

Speed:     0 km/h
Height:    0 km
Latitude:  0.00°
Longitude: 0.00°
Welcome to Satellite Tracker 3D!
Experience Real-Time 3D Satellite Tracking Like Never Before

Satellite Tracker 3D is a premier platform for real-time, 3D tracking of over 24,000 satellites directly in your browser. By leveraging up-to-date Two-Line Element (TLE) data and the precise SPG4 orbit prediction model, it offers an accurate and immersive way to explore satellite positions and movements around Earth.

New Feature: Satellite Filtering

Effortlessly locate and track satellites with powerful filtering options. Sort by constellation or category, including military, weather, communications, and space debris. Tailor your search to explore only the satellites relevant to your interests, optimizing your tracking experience.

New Feature: AI assisted content

The newest update blends satellite tracking with AI, adding an additional layer of immersion to In a sea of unorganized satellite data, SatelliteTracker3D now leverages its own repository of over 6,000 AI-summarized descriptions and over 2,000 AI-gathered images, covering more than 25,000 satellites. This gives it the unique ability to provide you with the backstory of a piece of debris you just found—possibly the result of a long-forgotten weapons test. While tracking it in real time. In 3D. Right in your pocket.

New Feature: Time-Based Graphs for Satellite Speed and Geolocation

Introducing the latest enhancement: time-based graphs for satellite speed and geolocation over any user-defined period. This powerful feature allows users to analyze and visualize satellite trajectories and velocities over time, providing deeper insights into orbital mechanics and satellite behavior.

Key Features

Real-Time 3D Tracking: Observe satellites in real-time with interactive 3D view that bring space closer to you.

Interactive Controls: Navigate, zoom, and select satellites using intuitive mouse or touch interactions.

Detailed Satellite Information: Access comprehensive data including geographic coordinates, speed, and orbital paths.

Orbit Visualization: View visually stunning orbits relative to Earth for a unique perspective on space technology.

Toggle Views: Seamlessly switch between Earth-centric and satellite-centric views for customized exploration.

Time-Based Data Analysis: Generate graphs of satellite speed and geolocation over any time frame you choose.

Time-Based Data Analysis: Generate graphs of satellite speed and geolocation over any time frame you choose.

Quick Search: Find satellites instantly by NORAD ID or name.

Advanced Filtering: Easily refine your satellite view by selecting specific constellations or filtering by purpose, such as military, weather, debris and more!

Designed for Simplicity and Performance

Satellite Tracker 3D is crafted with simplicity and performance in mind, delivering a seamless tracking experience with high frame rates across a variety of devices. Whether you're a space enthusiast, educator, or professional, this platform provides valuable insights into satellite operations and orbital dynamics.

Join the Community

Connect with other satellite tracking enthusiasts on the Discord channel. It's the perfect place to get updates, ask questions, share observations, and contribute ideas. Your feedback is invaluable in helping to improve and add new features.

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn.

© 2024 Marko Andlar
Version 0.5.0

Satellite Tracker 3D — the satellite index in your pocket.
Support Satellite Tracker 3D

Developing and maintaining Satellite Tracker 3D is a passion project that requires ongoing resources. Every donation goes directly into covering hosting, development, and continual improvements to provide the best real-time satellite tracking experience.

If you've enjoyed tracking satellites or found this tool valuable, please consider supporting my work. Your support allows me to dedicate time and resources to enhancing Satellite Tracker 3D, adding more features, and ensuring smooth performance.

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Scan the QR code or click the link below to make a donation. Every little bit helps, and I'm incredibly grateful for your support!
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Your support fuels the future of satellite tracking. Thank you!

Orbit filter (multi-select):

Tag filter (multi-select):

Debris filter:

*Note: orbit filter is applied first, then tag filter, and finally debris filter.